Cotton Mellon and its parent company Luxury Crafts Universal care about authenticity of our products that are created through unique craftsmanship and quality. Counterfeiting is illegal. Counterfeit products do not undergo inspection processes the process of selling such products is linked with organized crime that can also harm the economy, including through lost revenues, jobs and taxes. According to some estimates, counterfeit products across various sectors in India are causing losses to the tune of over INR 1 lakh Crore every year*.
Authorized Channels
Authentic Cotton Mellon products are sold by Cotton Mellon online at
Our products are sold online only and we do not sell our products at flea markets, through street vendors, or in kiosks in malls.
Be careful of counterfeit websites which claim to be “official.” Websites offering counterfeit product often use misspellings of the actual word “Cotton Mellon” in the URL. They may also copy the overall appearance or layout of These websites may also appear on search engine results. A few examples are:,
Reporting Counterfeits
If you witness any counterfeit listing or products please report by sending an email at Please provide as much information as possible, for example, the location of the merchandise and the type and number of products being offered for sale. Providing as much information will be helpful and we appreciate any information shared by you.
Counterfeits can be reported via email. We only use your email address to file and investigate your report. You have certain rights under applicable privacy laws. Please see the applicable privacy policy at the footer of each of our brand website.